Church Statements About War in Iraq and Afghanistan
New Pope a Strong Critic of War,
April 20, 2005, CPF Staff
Signs of the Times:
Papal Envoy Meets Bush
March 17, 2003, America
Cardinal Pio Leghi
Papal Envoy to Bush
March 5, 2003
Papal envoy meets Bush,
Reiterates Vatican Opposition to Iraq War
March 5, 2003
Christians Cannot Participate in Unjust War, A Lenten Message
by Most Reverend John Michael Botean
March 2003
Cardinal Ratzinger on Iraq
September 24, 2002
Statement on War with Iraq
Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory
President, USCCB
March 19, 2003
Archbishop O’Brien
Archbishop for the Military Services
September 30, 2002
February 3, 2003
Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran
Vatican Undersecretary for
Relations with States
September 10, 2002